Carol A. Tamminga, MD

Site PI for UT Southwestern; Lead PI for BSNIP2

Carol’s career has focused on the examination of psychiatric brain diseases with an emphasis on psychotic disorders using patient volunteers and postmortem brain tissue with a goal to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms of psychotic illness, which remain even now undiscovered.

Dr. Tamminga’s research has been directed to identifying cellular and molecular mediators of psychosis in schizophrenia, to achieve an understanding of the basic biology of the dimension and to develop novel treatments.

Carol is responsible for the overall performance of the Dallas site in carrying out the BSNIP2 research project.

Elena I. Ivleva, M.D., Ph.D.

Co-investigator; lead faculty supervisor for the UT Southwestern site

Dr. Ivleva is physician-scientist and a licensed psychiatrist. Her career has been focused on understanding the mechanisms of psychotic disorders and developing objective, measurable brain-based biomarkers for schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders. Her specific area of expertise in cognitive and brain imaging approaches.

Dr. Ivleva is a faculty supervisor for the B-SNIP UT Southwestern (Dallas) site and oversees the overall performance and daily operations of the study.  She is a co-leader of the B-SNIP Clinical Committee responsible for clinical training and quality control monitoring for all sites. She is also a co-leader of the Brain Imaging Committee responsible for brain imaging operations and quality control monitoring at the UT Southwestern site.

David W. Morris, Ph.D.

Co-investigator; Clinical Outcomes Manager

David’s experience working as part of the National Coordinating Center and serving on the Operations Committee and Project Management team, as well as being responsible for implementing the STAR*D, SAMS, CO-MED, EMBARC, and B-SNIP-I studies at multiple clinical sites across the country, as well as locally at the UTSW Regional Center and performance sites, taught him the collaborative effort and teamwork required to conduct this trial and the necessity of having a realistic research plan, timeline, and budget.

Additionally, his experience with the development, implementation, and oversight, of these large-scale multi-center trials has prepared David to significantly contribute to the design, management, implementation, and interpretation of the BSNIP-II project as a member of the Operations Committee and Project Management Team.

Wei Li, M.D., Ph.D.

Research Scientist

Wei is a research Scientist; Division of Translational Neuroscience Research in Schizophrenia, Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, US. She got her Ph.D. at Medical School of Shandong University in Internal Medicine/Hematology.

Her role in B-SNIP 2 is to establish and maintain fibroblast culture from dermal biopsy; extract plasma from blood; maintain fibroblast bank, DNA bank, lymphocyte bank, and plasma bank.

Asha Philip, MD

Clinical Coordinator/Clinical Rater

Dr. Asha Philip is a Research Study Coordinator at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical center. Her responsibilities on the B-SNIP2 project include enrolling study participants at the Dallas site and administering clinical assessments to study volunteers, collecting data on their socio-demographic characteristics, including detailed psychiatric and medical history, and administering symptom rating scales to assess symptom severity. She also coordinates and schedules study volunteer’s appointments and collects DNA samples

Hila Abush Segev, PhD

EEG and Eye Tacking lab technician

Hila is responsible for running EEG and Eye Tracking tests for the participants in the study.

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Gaurav Poudyal, MPH

Data Manager

Gaurav’s role in B-SNIP is extracting, cleaning and preparing analysis-ready databases, managing REDCap for all 5 sites, and preparing customized reports and tables.

Dorothy Denton


Receive, document, and order lab procedures for DNA and tissue samples; maintain manuscript and press release database, an provide administrative support to all sites.

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Yelonda Williams, BA


Yelonda’s role is to submit grant related material (e.g. Progress Reports), maintain budget, and order lab/office supplies.

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Bradley Witte

Data Manager

Bradley's role is to manage research data systems designed to store data for the PARDIP and BSNIP2 research projects. Ensure that these database files are well documented, properly secured, and accurate for use in ongoing reports and future analysis.

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